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Welcome to Dodgeball PEI's resource page! Here you can find all the information you need about our policies, standing rules, and reffing manual. We've compiled everything in one convenient location to make it easy for you to access. Whether you're a player, coach, or referee, this page has everything you need to know to participate in our league.

Standing Rules

League Payments

  • Registration fees must be paid by the start of the 2nd week of league or you will not be able to play the remainder of the season.  Dodgeball PEI is aware that this may not be financially feasible for everyone and some people may need more time to submit their payment. If that is the case you can contact the board to create a payment plan and you will be exempt from the above rule.

  • If you have not paid for a previous season you may not register for the next season until you have paid for said season (exemption rules are possible for financial reasons)

  • If you play one game or less with the league you may ask the board for a refund

Substitution Rules

  • During round robin league play you may substitute up to 6 players

    • Substitutions must be from the same draft round or lower as the player you intend to substitute

    • Substitutions must be gender for gender along with the above stated draft round rules

    • Team captains may request the draft order, but are asked to not share this with the rest of the team

    • The board must be contacted for any special situation such as an out of province player a minimum of two days prior to the game they intend to play in

  • Playoffs – you may substitute players as above, however,  at least 4 players must be from the original team or the team will forfeit

Player Composition

If the minimum gender requirement is not met within the first 5 minutes of the game then it is an automatic forfeit, there will be no consulting with the other team to ask their permission

Other Fees

  • Off Island tournaments must be paid prior to attending the tournament

  • All other tournaments must be paid prior to the tournament or at the tournament

  • Synergy must be paid before or at the first workout in order to participate

  • As above, you may create a payment  plan in order to be exempt from this rule

  • If you fail to pay within the time constraints above and do not have a payment plan with us we may ask you to sit out at future leagues and events until payment is made

Elected Officers

  • One hundred percent (100%) attendance of Executive Board meetings is desirable.  If two (2) consecutive meetings are missed, a written explanation shall be provided 

  • If more than 2 meetings are missed (consecutive or not) the officer may face repercussions from the board as they deem fit

  • The General Members shall act as “Sergeant-At-Arms” at the AGM or any special membership meeting, for the purpose of determining who among those present are eligible to vote on Dodgeball PEI matters.

  • Each year the board must fill out conflict of interest forms which are to be filed with the Vice President

Coaching & HPP Support Staff

  • Must sign a commitment waiver and if successfully followed may receive compensation towards flights and accommodations at Nationals

  • May request funding to take NCCP courses


Reffing Manual

Everything you need to know for reffing in DBPEI's draft league!


© 2024 Dodgeball PEI

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